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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Captivate A Man , Secret to A Man

"How To Captivate A Man, Make Him Fall In Love With You - And Give You The World!"

Friday, May 3, 2013

UltraSpeed Unlimited Web Hosting

Flux Services has been providing hosting services since November 2002 and has continued to grow ever since. I started Flux Services out of frustration with my hosting provider at the time and have always strived to provide better value and customer service. We incorporated on February 19th, 2003

We are a website service provider covering all aspects of running a website including hosting, domain registration, design and consultation. Think of us as kind of your one stop shop for your website needs. Even if we do not cover something, we can usually point you in the right direction 

We do not lease our servers from another service. We own and operate our servers in state of the art facilities and we are on site in the same building as the majority of our servers so if a server goes down, we can immediately start troubleshooting and correct the issue to insure your website is up and running at all times. We use redundant power supplies, power feeds, hard drives, switches and routers

For more information, click here - Pack full of the best deals